Points of Interest and the Large Commercial Industries and Resources of the Northland, 1909
View of several political cartoons depicting the romance (or media) versus the reality of the Yukon or the north. Clockwise from centre top: An image of two ravens captioned “our beautiful song birds (ravens caw they do not sing); a man virtually enveloped by mosquitoes and likely black flies captioned “our enjoyable Indian summer”; An image of a bar tender cleaning up a bar with a patron drinking captioned “Sluicing also washing on a bar” (although far less obvious, this no doubt alludes to disreputable businessmen who would find ingenuous ways to steal gold flakes and dust from unsuspecting miners…known as “mining the miners”); an image of a woman being chased by a family of bears captioned “our large commercial industries”; and finally an image of a steer shoulder deep in snow captioned “our promising farm and grazing lands.”
Inscription recto: Points of Interest and the Large Commercial Industries and Resources of the Northland. // copyright applied for 1909 March, Dawson Y.T.