Canadian Bank of Commerce Staff Dawson,YT, August 16, 1907.
Photograph of the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce posed in front of a log building (CBC Mess Hall) in Dawson. From left to right top row; Ross,A., Patterson, F.E, ., Complin,A.W., Stackpoole,F.J., McDougal,J.A., Barnes,G.H., second row; Gibson,W.L., Cameron,D.A., Willan,Miss, Gibbs,G.M., Saunders,R.M., third row; Tylor,H.E., Sime,W.G., Day,A., Heathcote,F.W., Rothwell,H.L., Livingtone,C.J., Clark,J.A., bottom row; Matsumoto,G., Thwaites,E.D., Nicholson,M., Matsumoto F.
Inscription recto: Canadian Bank of Commerce Staff Dawson Y.T. Aug 16 1907 Wolfe Photo