Alaska Commercial Company Building, 1901
Photograph of the Alaska Commercial Company Office Building in Dawson. Located on King Street. The signs on the building read as follows: “Law Office Mr. Alex Howden, Special Attention Given to Mining & Criminal Law, Notary, Conveyancer Etc. Room 21,” Consulate United States of America,” “Law Office Pattullo & Ridley,” “F. Charman, Custom Broker. Room D.” The directories read as follows with the numbers and letters referring to rooms (left to right): “Directory Second Floor 7&8 Pattullo & Ridley. 9&10 Robertson and Robertson – Solicitors, 11 Thos A. McGowan, 13&14 Drs. Brown and Wharton. Dentists. Third Floor 16 W.G. Cassels Physician and Surgeon. 20 Janitor. 21 Alex Howden Law Office.” The directory on the right reads as follows: “Directory First Floor 1&2 Stauf. 3 Orr & Tukey, 4&5 H.H. Honnen. – Annex- B&C Yukon Mining Journal and Record, D F. Charman. E&F Board of Trade. Robertson & Robertson, Notaries. Rooms 9&10. See 1981.2.1.4 for a different view of the same building.
Caption: Entrance to A.C. Office Building, and Directory.
Dawson of To-day. Leading Business Firms Recommended to the Public. 1901. Limited edition photographic album containing 33 original contact printed photographs of carious Dawson businesses of 1901. The mounted photographs are captioned with short typeset paper inserts giving business location and other valuable details. Because of a dismantled binding, the exact sequence as well as the original total number of photographs cannot be ascertained without comparison to an intact portfolio.