Force of Miners Working on W.M. Cowley’s Claim 22 Above Discovery, Bonanza Creek, c1898.
Black and white view of a large group of men and one child and one dog posed for a photograph. Long sluice run is seen in the background.
Inscription recto: Force of Miners Working on W.M. Cowley’s Claim 22 Above Bonanza.
Inscription verso: Men working on W.M. Cowley’s Claim, 22 Above, Bonanza, were about two miles // upstream from Discovery, the claim staked by George Washington Carmack to touch off the // gold rush on August 17, 1896. A claim included 500 feet of creekbed from rimrock to rimrock. By the end of August, all 25 miles of Bonanza Creek had been staked. (Public Archives of Canada Photo).