Grand Forks, 1920.
Black and white view of several buildings and dredge tailings.
Caption: (1) Grand Forks – the center of Bonanza Creek, Eldorado Creek, Upper Bonanza mining in the early part of the century. At that time, Grand Forks had a population of 10,000 with stores, saloons, hotels, etc. By 1920, when this was taken, it was down to two or three very ramshackle buildings (see views later). The original individual miner had been replaced by a large scale operation (Yukon Gold Co.). By 1920 their operations had been finished – see dredge tailing and tailing from hillside (Cheechaco [sic] Hill) hydraulic operations. In 1920 there were only small individual “sniping” operations in progress. The stream coming in from the center left is the fabulously rich Eldorado Creek flowing into Bonanza Creek which flows left to right across bottom of the picture. There is a small church on the hillside about center picture, a vestige of the early days and larger population.