Reverend John A. Sinclair, A Sky Pilot of the Yukon, c1915.
Black and white copy print of a photo montage. Beginning counter clockwise from upper left the photos are labelled: Forty Below (man in winter attire); Mushing (man with pack); Sunday Night (man sleeping in chair); untitled (man with camera); untitled (wood frame church at Lake Bennett); untitled (man at desk with book); Change of Work (man sawing wood); Saturday Afternoon (man with foot on ladder) and The Pilot’s Parish Bennett, looking Southwest (Bird’s Eye view of Lake Bennett).
In the centre of the photograph are two additional photographs: Sunday (a member of the clergy with bible or prayer book); and Saturday Night (man at desk in thought). The title of the montage is A Sky Pilot of the Yukon. The photographs refer to the Reverend John A. Sinclair. The abbreviation UC below may refer to the United Church.
Inscription verso: photo of Rev. John A. Sinclair given to U C Archives by his son Mr. Jas. M. Sinclair of Winnipeg”